Friday, November 13, 2009

Chapter 3

Ok, this is the first one, and it's an experiment for me too. Let's see how it goes. Do your best. If the conversation starts to get repetitive, you can bring up something else you'd like to discuss from chapters 1-3.

PROMPT: Responding to this quote on page 47, answer one or both of the following questions.

"Nobody stole, nobody grumbled over his rations, the quarrelling and biting and jealousy which had been normal features of life in the old days had almost disappeared."
1. To what extent is this true of Animal Farm at this point, and to what extent is it not true?
2. What economic system does the above quote sound like, and why?


  1. I think that this quote is true to some extent. The animals complain less just because they are happy to have gotten rid of the humans. There is not much stealing or complaining either, but I think the animals are starting to realize that the pigs really are taking more for themselves. Some of the animals expressed that they were upset about all the apples and milk going to the pigs. Although they were upset, they were easily persuaded that it was for the good of everybody. At this point it seems that the animals believe in the system for the most part,with the exeption of Mollie and the cat. The quote sounds like it supports a communist economic system. The word "rations" makes me think it is communist, because a ration is an equal amount given to everyone. Communism is about everybody being equal so I associate rations with communistic ideals.

  2. The quote applies to animal farm in several ways, the communistic quote displays the fact that everyone is treated the same and has the same rations. I feel as if there is going to be a change towards a dictatorship or an oligarchy. I feel this because the pigs are trying to have more rations because they think their elite in comparison to the other animals. The animals don’t realize that the pigs are taking more food than they deserve. The animals work and work but the pigs are said that they “run” the farm but what do they really do? It seems to me that the pigs don’t do anything. Also its evident the pigs are going to want more and more because they’re greedy pigs.

  3. This quote is true to some extent. Most of the animals are doing their share of work on the farm, but some are not. Mollie and the cat are not doing hardly any work, while Boxer does extra work. Also the pigs are trying to get even more rations than a lot of the other animals, but no one is complaining. This quote seems to support the communist system. The pigs are the dictators and they arent doing as much work as they should be. Boxer should be the one to get more food because he is doing the most work. In the end of all this, the pigs are going to try and take more and more until one of the other animals realizes what is actually going on.

  4. At first none of the animals think about revolt against the pigs because they don't know any better, and the pigs tell them what they want to hear. Most of the others can't even read and only do what they are told to do.
    2. Communism, because no body can argue or fight when everybody is treated equally according to a main dictator or in this case the pigs

  5. 1.It's true that everyone worked together and helped each other out. When it came down to it, the pigs basically took over the farm themselves because they took all the apples and milk. The Pigs were very smart and said what the other animals wanted to hear so no one would revolt against the pigs and they tried to make everyone happy.
    2.Communism because pigs are basically ruling the whole farm and they are being leaders and do what they have to do to make the animals happy.

  6. This Quote is mostly true. Most of the animals do not steal and they are generally more content with their lives. The animals dont fight because they have taken over the farm together. It sounds like a communist economic system because the animals took over the whole farm. The defintition of communism is social organization based on holding all property in common.

  7. 1) In the beginning the animals really worked together. As the story builds up steam all three pigs are becoming the leaders hands down. The pigs are the most vocal leaders and the most influential the animals. The pigs tell the other animals what to do for the day. As the story unfolds we the reader see a communistic point of view from the Pigs and there actions. Also the Pigs are great at manipulating the other animals into thinking and acting the way the Pigs want them too, and that is too benefit the pigs.

    2) The economic system the quote resembles is one of communistic nature. It shows that everyone has a equal share of work, food, and labor which is communism all the way. Yeaaahhhhh for communism.
